Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Gospel Reading: Matthew 7:15-20

For those who say that we should never judge anyone, here is a sample of Jesus himself telling us we must learn to judge for our own good. If we don’t we might find ourselves led astray, away from the true God. An example of being led astray would be any cult that tells young people to reject their parents, to turn their backs on their family and friends.

It would be the Jim Joneses of the world leading their followers to suicide. For our own safety and protection — for our own proper development and growth in accordance with truth, we must judge.

Jesus said to his disciples: “Be on your guard against false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but underneath are wolves on the prowl. You will know them by their deeds...You can tell a tree by its fruit.”

We are to judge others. Jesus says so. We are even to judge prophets, preachers, priests, and the like. We are to judge the teachings and advice that anyone gives us. We are not to allow garbage to be put into our minds. We are not to allow anyone to make us believe and do stupid things. We must learn to think for ourselves in accordance with the truth taught by God. So we had better do our best to make sure it is the truth we are being fed.

God wants us to judge before we accept anything as true, before what we are told begins to influence our actions. He wants us to judge the source of our information, the teacher. And one way to judge is by observing the deeds of the teacher. Does he or she seem to really be a person interested in the truth and my welfare? Or does he just seem to want power and control over me — or my money? We must become good judges of character when it comes to believing what anyone tells us. Your life depends on it. Your eternity depends on it. “Be on guard against false prophets...You will know them by their deeds.” Thus speaks Jesus Christ.

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